on Life

after Divorce

Kara Turner


My Search for Meaning

Finding purpose after betrayal, loss, and heartbreak

~ Blog ~


Marriage is Not Making Vows, It’s Keeping Them

Marriage is Not Making Vows, It’s Keeping Them

Like dominoes I see marriages falling down. Some for more obvious and irrevocable circumstances than others. The shock can be incredible when you see a friend blindsided, their life turned upside down, their kids manipulated, and their home divided. I’m not pretending to be God here and judging everyone, I’m just noticing something that shocks me.

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The Effect of Betrayal on The Soul

The Effect of Betrayal on The Soul

You expect this to be slightly bitter, I suppose. I am, admittedly, a woman betrayed. I am a wife, a mother, a friend. Betrayed. Could I have written a word during the madness of that time, instead of now, when the ugliness is not real to anyone anymore, its presence of seething resentment not felt in real-time. I did try writing, oh those notes were from a madwoman. Fearful, caged, and always confused. You see, the idea of betrayal goes against the brilliance of our brain’s structure.

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I Had to Travel Farther to Get Closer to Myself

I Had to Travel Farther to Get Closer to Myself

I was walking along the edge of the sea making my way through the afternoon crowds of Monterroso al Mare, the empty beach chairs and glittering water to my right, the crowded cafés and shops to my left. As my eyes swept over the scene attempting to take it all in, I noticed a spot in an outdoor café where one could enjoy an aperitif while the...

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“The moment of surrender is not when life is over, it’s when life begins.”
